Congratulations Team Wynwood Brewing

by Enrique Vittorino / Charity,Uncategorized / March 4, 2019

This past weekend, Team Wynwood Brewing Company on the Bike MS Breakaway to Key Largo accomplished something huge. Yes, riding 75-100 miles two days in a row is big but what we are most impressed by are the fundraising efforts of the team. As of today, March 4th, 2019, Team Wynwood raised close to $30,000 ($29,747.00 to be exact) for MS research which currently puts the team in 5th place overall.

Ricky Bobby once said “If you ain’t first, you’re last” but in this case, I completely disagree! What an amazing accomplishment. For a team that grew from 6 members last year to close to 20 riders this year. We thank you all for your efforts.

I think it’s important to note that we at Wynwood Brewing are honored to be part of this and have our name on the team but ALL OF THE CREDIT should go to the riders and team captain who did pretty much all of the heavy lifting. A few of our Vine Club Members started the team for another Vine Club Member who has been fighting MS for 20+ years. We helped keep them hydrated, looking good and helped raise a little money too, however they really deserve the praise.

This was our first year getting involved with this ride and we were really impressed with the passion of all of the riders. We wish we brought a little more beer to the finish lines for the other thirsty teams (next year we’ll come more prepared) but thanks for everyone who came out and thank you team Wynwood for tying our brewery to such an amazing team and fundraising effort.

Cheers to you!

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